Lipsy Loo Complaint Policy

Effective date: 24.05.2024

Purpose: Lipsy Loo Learning is dedicated to providing high-quality online educational courses to parents and teachers, supporting them in fostering children's oral language and literacy skills. Our complaint policy ensures that any concerns or dissatisfaction raised by our customers are addressed promptly and effectively.

Definition of Complaint: A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction with Lipsy Loo Learning's online educational courses, services, or interactions, including issues related to content, functionality, customer service, or billing.


1. Lodging a Complaint: - Customers can lodge a complaint by contacting Lipsy Loo Learning via email at [email protected]. - Complaints should include specific details such as the nature of the complaint, the course or service involved, relevant dates, and any supporting documentation.

2. Acknowledgment: - Upon receipt of a complaint, Lipsy Loo Learning will acknowledge the complaint within 48 hours. - The acknowledgment will include an estimated timeline for resolutions.

3. Investigation: - The complaint will be assigned to a designated complaints handler, who will conduct a thorough investigation into the matter. - Lipsy Loo Learning may request additional information or clarification from the complainant during the investigation process.

4. Resolution: - Once the investigation is complete, Lipsy Loo Learning will provide a written response to the complainant outlining the findings and any proposed resolution.

If the complaint is upheld, Lipsy Loo Learning will take appropriate corrective action, which may include issuing refunds, providing additional support, or making improvements to our courses or services.

If the customer is dissatisfied with the online course and lodge a complaint within 14 days of course activation, Lipsy Loo Learning will issue a refund.

5. Follow-Up: Lipsy Loo Learning will follow up with the complainant to ensure that they are satisfied with the resolution and to address any remaining concerns.

The outcome of the complaint and any actions taken will be documented for future reference and improvement.

Confidentiality: All complaints and related information will be treated with confidentiality and will only be disclosed to individuals directly involved in the resolution process.

Review and Update: This complaint policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with relevant regulations. Any updates or revisions to the policy will be communicated to all stakeholders.

Contact Information: For inquiries or complaints, please contact:  

Email:[email protected]

Phone: +61 421 276 399