Pre-School Power

2.5 years - 4 years


Pre-School Power is an interactive and playful 6-week program, for children aged 2.5-4-years, designed to supercharge your child’s oral language and social skills.

It also exposes your child to early reading concepts.

Each of the episodes focus on 3 key learning areas.

We also give you great ideas to incorporate these skills into everyday activities and routines so the learning never stops

 The program includes:

  • 12 x 8-10 minute episodes over 6 weeks (2/week)

  • Overviews of each target area

  • Activity ideas to practise these skills during everyday routines

  • Bonus fun ideas to continue practise after the course

  • Access to the program for 3 months so your child can rewatch their favourite episodes (or the ones you choose for them!)

Laura Green Lipsy Loo Learning

Learning areas include:

  1.  Attention and Listening

  2.  Building Vocabulary

  3.  Understanding Basic concepts

  4.  Pre-Reading Exposure

  5.  Play Themes

  6.  Emotions

  7.  Social Skills


Build a love for learning and create a language rich home environment with Lipsy Loo's Pre-School Power!